I am so glad you are here.

For as long as I can remember, my eyes have been drawn towards the sky. If there was a sunset-laden sky, I'd easily fill up a disposable camera and wait what felt like hours for my photos to be developed at the local K-Mart. It was the beauty of this Earth I was after, wanting to capture moments as they were before me and freeze them in time.

A few years ago, I started driving an hour to the beach early in the morning before work to catch the sunrise on the beach. I'd bring my camera and take photos and just feel SO full of peace. So excited to share them with my people. Fast forward to 2023, I'm living feet away from that same beautiful ocean, with the love of my life. I knew it was time to start sharing these images as prints with my community.

It feels like a gift you made your way to my website to check out my photographs. I have worked really hard crafting images you'd want to display in your spaces and I hope you feel connected to the beauty of the sea the same way I do when I am taking these for you.